Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Repeat of "A Boy With a Vision" Message

I had a lot of positive responses to the last newsletter I sent out, so I am posting it here on the blog for those that didn't get a chance to receive it or read it yet.  (If you have you're welcome to read on, but there's nothing different or changed:)  Enjoy!

You probably already know that I am a pretty driven, hard working and caring person.  It's always been important to me to live with integrity, considering how my actions affect others around me, and always, always giving my best at whatever I do.

I live life hard and go all-out when I put my mind to something.

Well, it is no less the case with my personalized mission in life.

I set out several years ago with the intention of studying everything fitness related to determine WHAT REALLY WORKS and WHAT REALLY MATTERS for creating quality, optimal fitness for everyone, regardless of age, current fitness level, gender or previous experience.

I knew that despite already being quite fit and athletic, EVEN I was confused and frustrated by all the conflicting information out there about how to effectively get, and STAY, in shape.  I could only imagine how difficult it was to deal with for those that struggled with their weight and trying to get in shape themselves.

So I decided that I was going to write a book to solve the fitness problem once and for all.

I called my vision for the book "The True Way," and it was all about cutting out the unnecessary to identify the true, core principles and practices that really lead to healthy, active lifestyles. I wanted to separate the truth from the misconceptions and share it with the world so everyone could apply it and benefit.

So I started on my task to solve this age-old, world-wide problem and went to work.

I researched and studied all the different ways and philosophies of training.  I practiced them on myself and on my clients.  I cross-compared and collaborated with other successful and effective fitness professionals to ensure I was on the right path. And I designed and redesigned the book over and over again, looking for the PERFECT PROGRAM and PERFECT SET UP to take care of everything in one fall-swoop.

I am not going to lie, it was a long, hard road with lots of ups and downs, and at times I wondered if I'd ever actually get it completed.

And I'll tell you right now that I had to learn the hard way that there's not one catch-all, "Holy Grail" solution that will work for everyone all of the time.

There are variations that work from person to person, and there are (pardon the expression) "many ways to skin a cat."
But through my search, study and experience I did discover the most important principles and the best practices for optimal fitness.

And I figured out the REAL REASONS why most people struggle (fail) with fitness.

It's not really about food, or the specific amount or type of exercise a person participates in.

It's not about some secret routine or rep-set-workload formula that supposedly gets twice as fast and twice as effective results.
It's about the overall approach, and your ability to stick to a proven system.

It's about the mind, and being able to follow through on a commitment that was reasonably (realistically) set for yourself.

It's about keeping things simple enough that you can execute and identify where you can continue to improve along the way.

It's about integrating all the parts of a person (mind, body and spirit), and establishing a program that will actually work for you specifically.

It's about committing to yourself and The True Way, and allowing for flexibility but staying committed to the end.
And that's ultimately why it took me so long to put this book together.
I had to make that journey MYSELF before I could ever lead another down the path.
Finally, I have made some real headway in it myself...and I'm ready to share my success with you.
Stay tuned the next couple of days for another message from me about a couple other individuals who have embarked on The True Way themselves, and how it ultimately has changed their lives for good.
Keep training and always remember:  Train the mind, challenge the body and unleash the spirit!
Sincerely in Fitness,
Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Owner & Head Instructor of TRUE WAY MARTIAL ARTS, LLC

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