Monday, November 29, 2010

Don't Believe the Hype...Eat Your Fruits & Vegetables!

Of course, in an age when obesity and poor nutritional health seem to be everywhere, that means there is a large market for weight loss.  A lot of different, far-fetched programs and supplements are peddled and touted every day, inundating us with mixed messages and sometimes flat-out lies.

One such problem is the over-generalized fear of all forms of sugars and carbs.

Make no mistake; Americans over-consume sugars and carbs...but as a whole we over consume everything!  On average we consume too many carbs/sugars, too many fats and too much protein (yes, even protein).  The result is an excess of calories consumed...and that, coupled with our low levels of activity (to burn the consumed energy), is the reason we are getting fatter.

Sugars are not "bad," and carbs just being different levels of sugars (complexities or chains of them connected together), also have their place.

Fruits and vegetables are essential foods (and sources of carbs/sugars), and that are great for the diet because they provide lots of micronutrients (vitamins...especially antioxidants, minerals, etc.), water, enzymes & coenzymes (which science hasn't even fully determined what role they play in proper nutrition/function of the body) and very few calories.

That is the formula for success in weight management anyway:  Nutrient Dense Foods that are Low in Calories.

Many people don't realize that our body tells us we're "hungry" because it requires specific nutrients to perform various functions.  We need calcium for specific things, vitamin C for specific things, iron for other functions, and so on.  The body knows the main way it can obtain these nutrients is through consumption (our eating), so it tells us we need to eat.

Well when most of us feel "hungry" we eat the things we like/enjoy/want, not always the things we really need.  So we consume plenty of calories (which are essential MACROnutrients in the form of carbs, proteins and fats), but we don't get an adequate amount of micronutrients to assist the bodily functions we need to live, perform work and thrive.  Inevitably, that means the body will send us the hunger message again and we just repeat the process all over again (resulting in that excess of calories consumed compared to our activity levels).  It's a vicious cycle if the problem is never really solved in the first place (eat more of the nutrient rich foods that are lower in calories!).

I'm including a link to an article below because it gives some current statistics that provide great insight to proper nutrition and an appropriate stance on the value (and necessity) of fruits and vegetables.

Do yourself a favor and take two minutes to read through it, then evaluate your personal nutrition program to see if you are placing the proper amount of emphasis on these natural and essential foods.

Yes, it is put out by the lead dietitian/doctor of a supplement company and they do promote their multivitamin at the end of it.  You do not have to purchase anything or should you feel pressure to do so.  I just felt this was a great article to share as the classic GI Joe tagline states: "knowing is half the battle."

Here the link to the article:  Americans Don't Eat Enough Fruits and Vegetables

Have a great day and continue to improve your life with fitness, nutrition and following the True Way!


Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Martial Arts Instructor (Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

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