Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Out of the Darkness

I know it's been a little while since you've heard anything from me (don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the final periodization article I promised:), but for good reason.

Most of you are aware that I am a martial artist and a "teacher" at heart (which really means I am a perpetual student, because "to teach is to learn twice").  I love most everything "fitness," but the real difference maker in my life has been my martial arts experience.

Nothing has had a greater impact on my development and prepared me for as much in my everyday life and professional career than the martial arts.  I really have been working towards having my own martial arts school for over twelve years now, as that has been my truest dream.

I got my college degree in education and obtained my teaching certificate because I knew that I would have to work with children if I had my own school.  I enjoy working with kids, and they are typically the lifeline of a commercial school.

I taught afterschool programs at the elementary schools I worked at to gain experience running my own classes and to prepare me for the bigger task of running my own school.

I got my personal training certification and began taking on private clients to learn the proper way to develop training programs and make sure that I wouldn't do what most martial arts instructors do where they just do what their teachers taught them.  I wanted to be scientifically sound in my training programs.

I got management experience in fitness facilities for a few reasons.  One, I knew I needed to learn how to run a fitness-type facility...all the ins and outs of the industry.  Even though fitness and martial arts are slightly different industries, much of the basics are similar.  Two, I knew I would have to understand how to manage people.  Even a martial arts school has a staff of employees, and management is much more than just telling people what to do:)

Of course, I continued in my martial arts training and achieved my third degree black belt about four years ago.  I actually qualify to take my fourth degree test in the next month, which is when you are considered a good level for teaching others all the way up to right before your own rank.  When I pass this test I will be able to promote people (who have legitimately fulfilled the requirements:) all the way up to third degree black belt.  That should take place officially sometime next spring.

I took a real leap of faith in myself when I became a full-time personal trainer because I moved into a commission-based position for the first time in my life.  I knew that to survive and thrive in the fitness OR martial arts world, I absolutely must understand how to market my services and programs to the individuals interested in what I have to offer.  Luckily, the process of "selling" was not as hard for me as I might have thought because I genuinely care about the people I work with and I always approach it as fulfilling a need or a desire that the client/customer/consumer wants.  Everyone involved wins, and we all benefit from it.

So after twelve years and a thorough, hard-fought process, it is finally time for me to follow through on my dream.  I announced my resignation from my employer last Thursday, and I have been taking care of the details behind-the-scenes.  In fact, I have a facility in the build out process and it should be done in the next 3-4 weeks.

So the GRAND OPENING of my martial arts school, True Way Martial Arts (of course it would be named "True Way" right?), is slated for January 8th at 9am-1pm.  I will have lots of fun activities and of course food and prizes scheduled for that time.  Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy the event with us, even if you're not interested in taking martial arts with me:)

The address of my new school is 34294 US Highway 19-North, here in Palm Harbor, Florida (34684).  For those of you familiar with this area, it's the newly-renovated plaza (called "Park Ave") on the west side of US-19 between Nebraska Ave. and Alderman.  A new LeRoy Selman's (steakhouse and sports bar) is going into the outparcel space in front in a couple of months and there are a few other businesses going in there right now besides mine.  I am extremely excited about it, and the space is actually ideal for what I've been looking for over the last several years. (Oh yeah, and it doesn't hurt that it's directly in front of my neighborhood...literally a five minute or less walk to work!)

So what does that mean for you and the True Way to Fitness blog?

The good news is that this doesn't negatively effect you in any way.  I will still continue to contribute fitness and martial arts articles 1-3 times a week (ideally every other day or so), and my ebook will FINALLY be launching next week.  For real this time!  I had to delay it for the past 3 or 4 months because I knew I was doing this and wanted to wait until I was on my own before launching it.  This way I can do everything the way I want to (to give you the greatest benefit/value), and not worry about upsetting my employers or getting in trouble for doing something against the way they want things done.  It's just better all around this way, and I'm doubly excited about this!

I really appreciate the dedication and support I have gotten from each of you along the way, and know that you have played no small part in motivating me toward finally attempting my dreams.  Of course, now the fun part REALLY begins, and I have many more steps to go in the process, but it's finally all coming together.  Thank you for your role in all this.

Okay, so I'm going to let you go now...this was longer than I originally intended (always the case!).  If you have any more questions or comments, please feel free to email ( or call (727-488-9571).  I have another email associated with the school ( and there will be a website as well (, but I usually keep my blog stuff connected to my truewayfitness email account and  Just can follow up with me either way.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and be on the lookout (tomorrow) for that final email of formatting/organizing a periodized training program.


Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Martial Arts Instructor (Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

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