Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010, Hello Greatness

As the last few moments of 2010 draw to an end, we are reminded of how quickly TIME seems to fly by.
Each moment of each day passes at the same rate always, but certainly it feels like time speeds by faster now than ever.

Like many of you I expected greatness in 2010 and was met with more struggles and frustration than I had anticipated.  I overestimated my capabilities and realized a lot of shortcomings about myself that I had not consciously recognized before.  I misused a lot of my time and split my attention on "too many minds"...too many different projects and activities...and the lessons on life kept coming.

The good news is that regardless how much we might have (or might not have) thrived in 2010, we still survived...and that means we have another day, another chance, to make it all happen.

Certainly we do not control everything about our lives and what happens, but we do have some power over how we conduct ourselves each day and how we perceive (deal with) everything.  That is where we need to start.

So for 2011, let me suggest you take an hour or two alone in a quiet place with just a pad of paper and pen (actually, I like to use a pencil:) and take an inventory on what you WANT from this coming year.

You can do it your own way, or follow the principles I suggest below.  I am going to do it myself after our Capital One Bowl Party (Michigan State vs. Alabama college football game) on New Year's Day, and I am going to keep it much more concise and to the point this year than in previous years.  As you do it, stay true to yourself and what you want from your life this year.  You deserve it and I wish the best for you over the next twelve months and beyond!

Guiding Principles to Goal-Setting for 2011 (aka New Year's Resolution):

1.  Keep it SIMPLE.  Do not go crazy.  It may sound good right now, but as soon as you go to apply in the busyness of your everyday life you won't follow through if it's too complicated.  Once you accomplish it you can always set up the next progressive goal for yourself.

2.  Consider your mental, physical and spiritual development.  You don't have to set up separate goals for each aspect, but remember to maintain balance with your mind-body-spirit in the new year.  Too much focus on any one aspect will lead to more (other) problems, and you want to avoid the pendulum swing from one end of the spectrum to the other.

3. Be SPECIFIC.  Give yourself a (realistic, but not too lenient) timeline to achieve the goal, and try to use numbers, description words and make the goal measurable so you can get feedback about how your progression is going along the way.

4.  Stretch yourself.  Part of the human experience is about continually ENRICHING your life and EMPOWERMENT of the self.  Be inspired to expand yourself in ways that you have never done before in the coming year.  Remember that you can always adjust the goal if you realize later that you were being way too "pie-in-the-sky," but don't be afraid to take some risks on yourself.  This year could (and should) be the BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE so far, and you need to take a chance on yourself to make it happen.

I pray GREATNESS and AMAZING SUCCESS for you in 2011, and may we all be grateful for the life and wonderful journey we have each been given thus far!

Take care and enjoy the beginning of a great new day and an ever greater new era for you and your family in 2011.

I am glad to know and be able to interact with you in life's awesome journey!

Sincerely in Fitness,

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Owner & Head Instructor of TRUE WAY MARTIAL ARTS

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Top 6 Features of The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program (Part II)

Okay, last time I sent you 3 of the Top 6 Features of the 28 Day Deadline Workout Program.  If you missed them, you can go HERE to review them before reading on.  Today I'll lay out the other three, and a few additional pointers about the program.

4. Realistic & Honest Nutrition Guidance:  There is a ton of information out there in the fitness world telling us exactly what to eat and what foods are "the devil."  Truthfully, unless you have a major health concern (like allergies, diabetes or heart disease), there are no "bad" foods.  However, there are specific principles that guide healthy eating and that support effective fat loss...and they allow for great variety and adaptability.  The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program teaches you how to eat well and create the caloric deficit you need to get the fat loss results you're after without necessarily having to count every calorie and gram of protein, fat or carbohydrate you consume.  Of course, for those that really want to SPECIFIC DETAILS about determining how many calories or how much protein, fat or carbs they're supposed to eat, the program does provide that support as well.  You have choices, and those choices are what allows you to not only ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL, but to be able to SUSTAIN it for the long haul.

5. Detailed Preferred Foods Lists: From a Free Veggies List to Preferred Protein, Fat and Carbohydrate-based food list, the program gives a good foundation to establishing a healthy, thorough diet high in nutrients and lower in calories to support your body's needs while reducing or eliminating your body's natural hunger mechanism (which kicks on when proper nutrients aren't consumed).   And if that's not enough, there's even a built in Reward Meal scheduled every 3-4 days to satisfy your cravings and take away the urge to break your program by indulging in them.  Now that's what I call effectively managing the mental side of training!

6. Success Journals: Each day during the 28 Day Deadline Workout Program you will be doing some sort of "training" to keep you on track.  It won't be physical training (workouts) every day, but there will be some sort of quick reading and/or writing to record your progress and development.  The Success Journal is set up to keep you on the training path and building momentum each and every step of the way.  You can either load them up on your desktop or print them off and write directly in them...whatever works better for you.  The key is to stick with it each day and over the course of the four weeks the habit will be built and you will be well on your way to achieving SUCCESS and maintaining your fitness goal!

There are certainly several other great features of this thorough training program, but I wanted to give you the low-down on the parts that I feel are the most important.

The Measurement Tracker (which allows you to see your physiological results throughout the course of the four weeks...even up to eight weeks), the Workout Logs and Exercise Library (which details the specific exercises in the metabolic workouts and each exercise has a direct link to a VIDEO DEMONSTRATION with cues and regressions/progressions so you can know exactly how to perform them), the Calorie & Macronutrient Calculator (where you plug in a few specific measurements to determine how much you should be eating on a daily and even a meal-by-meal basis), the Quick Reference Cards (which provide a quick outline of the most important points of the 28 Day Deadline Workout Program that you can print on 5x8 index cards for easy review) and the 28 Day Deadline Schedule Planner (which actually gives you DOUBLE the support by laying out the first 56 days of your training program so you don't get lost along the way) are all great features designed to make life easier for you and to ensure your success.  We held nothing back on this program, and I think you'll be very satisfied with how thorough it all really is.

So go check out the complete information page, equipped with text OR video descriptions of each component of the program and pick up your INSTANTLY DOWNLOADABLE program so you can get started TODAY!

View all the details and pick up your copy at:
And hurry...there are just a few slots left for the ADDITIONAL BONUS of a 4-Week Teleseminar with me, walking you step-by-step through the program to ensure your success and make the most of your experience...valued at over $388, all free!!! But spaces are running out so order NOW:

The Top 6 Features of The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program (Part I)

So earlier last week I FINALLY launched the long awaited 28 Day Deadline Workout Program.

It's going awesome and I'm excited for everyone that's decided to hop on board and invest in their total fitness: mind, body and spirit.

To top it off, the first 95 people who pick up a copy of the program get a BONUS FEATURE worth over $388, and it may be the single biggest contributor to the success of those 95 individuals.  I'll let you find out about this bonus by going to, but I'll give you a hint:  it involves direct, weekly accountability with me for the next four weeks (as in 28 days...).  Oh yeah, and I'm not even including this as one of the top 6 features of The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program!

Without further delay, here the top features are:

1. The Mental Training Manual:  The thing is, it’s really the mental side of training that everyone struggles with.  The struggles with food, with completing the workouts and with following through on a program really start in the mind, so we must build the habits and establish a mindset of commitment and resolve with fitness.  The Mental Training Manual does just that, guiding you through each of the first twenty-eight days and teaching you strategies to combat the challenges that prevent you from following through.  Based on a simple 7-step process (one step done daily over the course of the week and repeated with incremental progression from week to week), this manual serves like a daily devotional to keep you motivated and inspired to achieve your goal.  I truly believe this is the SINGLE MOST UNIQUE AND IMPORTANT ASPECT that makes The 28 Day Deadline Workout different from anything else out there.  

2. No Equipment Required:  None of the workouts require equipment to complete the exercises.  There are benefits to increasing the resistance (i.e. dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, med balls, etc.), but truthfully these workouts are already designed to challenge your body quite thoroughly with just your body weight alone.  With a little creativity and as small as a 6x6 space (if that), you can have some of the best fat-burning and muscle-working sessions of your training life!  But don’t worry, it isn’t designed to run you into the ground.  There are ways to regress the exercises and still get a great workout that’s appropriate for you and your current fitness level…and I teach you all that in The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program.

3. Fast, Effective Workouts:  The workouts themselves are challenging but relatively brief (to the point).  Every workout should be completed in under 45-60 minutes MAX, from warm up to cool down, but some can be as short as 15 minutes!!! There are 3 “metabolic” strength training workouts, 2 HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio-conditioning sessions and 2 Active Stretching (yoga-like stretching) sessions per week.  This way you are maximizing your fat loss through effective and efficient workouts, while improving your range of motion and taking care of the supportive tissues and preventing against joint injuries and muscle pulls.  Workouts are set up for 5 out of 7 days a week, and recreational activities like biking, hiking/walking, playing pick-up games of sports, etc. are all allowable and encouraged on any day of the program (especially either of the designated “off” days).  As long as they’re not too intense they will only improve your fitness and your results during The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program.

Because I don’t want to overload you with information in one email (I’m notorious for lengthy emails, I know…just think of me as “thorough”J), I’m going to save points 4, 5 and 6 for tomorrow.

So be on the lookout for that message, and if you’re interested to find out more or already know you want to pick up your copy of The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program, simply click the link below.  Remember, the first 95 people to jump on board will get the FREE WEEKLY TELESEMINAR for the length of the 28 day program, so don’t hesitate and miss out!  Click below to get started TODAY:

Until next time, remember:  Train the Mind, Challenge the Body, Unleash the Spirit!!!

Here It Is: The 28 Day Deadline Workout Is FINALLY LIVE!!!

Hello True Way Follower and Fellow Fitness Enthusiast!
I can hardly believe it, it's been a long time coming but the day
is FINALLY here!
I am actually launching the project that I have been working
on for the past five years first polished, full fitness
The 28 Day Deadline Workout is a comprehensive fitness program
focused on jumpstarting your fat loss goal in the next four
weeks.  Better yet, it teaches you how to actually maintain those
results and a fitness lifestyle for the rest of your life.
It's extremely effective because it addresses the total person
(mental, physical and spiritual health) in a very practical way.
The program lays everything out for you for each day over the
next month, including the nutrition, exercise and mental
strategies necessary to achieve your goal and stick to it for
life…and to be honest, I actually gave exercise programming
through the first TWO months (56 days) just to be sure you
were adequately prepared to launch your training program.
I am super excited and can't wait to share it with the world!
Here's where I need your help.
The 28 Day Deadline Workout is a great program and the principles
and methods from it have been tested and proven to be effective
over the years through experimentation with clients.
I know it works, but I still need more concrete examples of how
effective it really is.
Before I launch it out over the entire internet and present it to
the world, I want YOUR specific, documented testimonials.  My
affiliate partners (others who will be promoting the program to their
followers) want to see the "proof in the pudding," before they go
and recommend it to their followers as well.  The world loves to see
individual examples of success, and I want you to be a part of it with
the 28 Day Deadline Workout.
That's why I am doing a pre-launch...called an "internal
launch"...of the 28 Day Deadline Workout for my current True Way
followers, family and friends.
What that means is that I am going to launch the entire program
(still in ebook form) to each of you at a significantly reduced
price and with bonus features that will not be offered for the
world-wide launch.
You will get special, direct access to me for anything about the
 program you need through a special email address and even
 direct live coaching (via phone) about the program during this
 exclusive launch.
In fact, I am going to offer a HUGE BONUS exclusively to the
first 96 participants: a weekly teleseminar where I will break down
the program in precise detail and answer any questions or concerns
each of you have about the 28 Day Deadline Workout so you can
get as much from the program as possible.
Of course, you are going to help me from this process too because
I am going to learn from your feedback and these experiences
about how I can improve the program even more before launching it
to the world.
I am so pumped about this that I cannot even express it to you in
words.  I can't wait to see you get the results you deserve and
to learn how to finally establish a genuine lifestyle of fitness.
The only problem is that we need to get this up and running asap,
so I have opened the program up for purchase as of MONDAY, 
DEC. 13th.
Just remember, the 4-week teleseminar bonus ($388 value!) is only
available to the first 96 people that sign up, so don't wait around
to decide!
Act now to reserve your spot and get this 28 Day Deadline Workout Program
Simply follow this link to go to my offer page where you can
find all the details about the 28 Day Deadline Workout and how it
will benefit you.  You can choose to read through all the text OR just
scroll down from VIDEO to VIDEO to find out the most important
details and aspects of the program.  The information in the videos is
not word-for-word what the text says, but the root of the information
is the same nonetheless.  (I know a couple of the videos need to be
adjust and JAZZED up, but I didn't want to make you wait any longer
so I will change them later...tell me what you think either way!)
The entire program is all backed by my 60-Day, Iron-Clad 100%
money-back guarantee so there's not even any risk!  If for any reason
you don't feel the program was valuable to you or you are unsatisfied in
any way, simply contact me and you will receive a full refund, no
questions asked. It's that easy.
Now, if you are already "sold" on it and you know you want to
join me in this one-of-a-kind program, go HERE and simply scroll to the
bottom of the offer page and click on the "Buy Now" button to be
redirected to the shopping cart where you can complete the
In advance, I truly thank you for letting me be your guide and
trusted resource for everything fitness and martial arts related.
I feel truly blessed to have you as part of the True Way
fellowship, and that you have enough confidence in me to be your
leader in fitness.
I look forward to sharing this experience with you, and I'm
excited about the results that each of you are going to have from
the 28 Day Deadline Workout!
Click below to preview the 28 Day Deadline Workout Program and
Sincerely in Fitness,

Monday, December 13, 2010

The INSIDER Launch is FINALLY Here! Check it out...

In less than 45 minutes The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program will finally go LIVE for all the family, friends and followers of The True Way to Fitness...and any of your friends or coworkers that you feel would benefit from such a program.

I lay out all the details and offer you a 60-DAY IRON-CLAD, MONEY BACK GUARANTEE to ensure you get the most from the program.  If for any reason, and at any point during the 60 days, you are not COMPLETELY SATISFIED with the 28 Day Deadline Workout Program, simply submit the refund and I will return 100% of your investment with NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Additionally, to save you the effort of having to read every detail on the information page, I have included a series of videos that go over everything for you in just a few clicks.

It's easy, effective and to the go check the site out and make a decision for yourself:  Are you ready for The True Way...starting with the 28 Day Deadline Workout Program?

Click the following link to check out my brand new fitness program:

Either way, keep training and remember:  Train the mind, Challenge the body, Unleash the Spirit!!!

Sincerely in Fitness,

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Owner & Head Instructor of TRUE WAY MARTIAL ARTS

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Repeat of "A Boy With a Vision" Message

I had a lot of positive responses to the last newsletter I sent out, so I am posting it here on the blog for those that didn't get a chance to receive it or read it yet.  (If you have you're welcome to read on, but there's nothing different or changed:)  Enjoy!

You probably already know that I am a pretty driven, hard working and caring person.  It's always been important to me to live with integrity, considering how my actions affect others around me, and always, always giving my best at whatever I do.

I live life hard and go all-out when I put my mind to something.

Well, it is no less the case with my personalized mission in life.

I set out several years ago with the intention of studying everything fitness related to determine WHAT REALLY WORKS and WHAT REALLY MATTERS for creating quality, optimal fitness for everyone, regardless of age, current fitness level, gender or previous experience.

I knew that despite already being quite fit and athletic, EVEN I was confused and frustrated by all the conflicting information out there about how to effectively get, and STAY, in shape.  I could only imagine how difficult it was to deal with for those that struggled with their weight and trying to get in shape themselves.

So I decided that I was going to write a book to solve the fitness problem once and for all.

I called my vision for the book "The True Way," and it was all about cutting out the unnecessary to identify the true, core principles and practices that really lead to healthy, active lifestyles. I wanted to separate the truth from the misconceptions and share it with the world so everyone could apply it and benefit.

So I started on my task to solve this age-old, world-wide problem and went to work.

I researched and studied all the different ways and philosophies of training.  I practiced them on myself and on my clients.  I cross-compared and collaborated with other successful and effective fitness professionals to ensure I was on the right path. And I designed and redesigned the book over and over again, looking for the PERFECT PROGRAM and PERFECT SET UP to take care of everything in one fall-swoop.

I am not going to lie, it was a long, hard road with lots of ups and downs, and at times I wondered if I'd ever actually get it completed.

And I'll tell you right now that I had to learn the hard way that there's not one catch-all, "Holy Grail" solution that will work for everyone all of the time.

There are variations that work from person to person, and there are (pardon the expression) "many ways to skin a cat."
But through my search, study and experience I did discover the most important principles and the best practices for optimal fitness.

And I figured out the REAL REASONS why most people struggle (fail) with fitness.

It's not really about food, or the specific amount or type of exercise a person participates in.

It's not about some secret routine or rep-set-workload formula that supposedly gets twice as fast and twice as effective results.
It's about the overall approach, and your ability to stick to a proven system.

It's about the mind, and being able to follow through on a commitment that was reasonably (realistically) set for yourself.

It's about keeping things simple enough that you can execute and identify where you can continue to improve along the way.

It's about integrating all the parts of a person (mind, body and spirit), and establishing a program that will actually work for you specifically.

It's about committing to yourself and The True Way, and allowing for flexibility but staying committed to the end.
And that's ultimately why it took me so long to put this book together.
I had to make that journey MYSELF before I could ever lead another down the path.
Finally, I have made some real headway in it myself...and I'm ready to share my success with you.
Stay tuned the next couple of days for another message from me about a couple other individuals who have embarked on The True Way themselves, and how it ultimately has changed their lives for good.
Keep training and always remember:  Train the mind, challenge the body and unleash the spirit!
Sincerely in Fitness,
Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Owner & Head Instructor of TRUE WAY MARTIAL ARTS, LLC