Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is there ONE "TRUE WAY?"

I am going to keep this one relatively short (always a challenge for me...guess I'm a bit long-winded and overly thorough).

The truth is, there is NOT just one "true way" to achieve your fitness goal.

Much of the confusion in the fitness world is generated by the fitness professionals themselves (including me) as they try to take a one-size-fits-all approach to sell you something.  Maybe not with bad intentions, but it's biased nonetheless.

The reason it's so complicated is that there are so many variables involved in organizing an appropriate program for each individual:

-Specific goal: Is it weight loss, sports performance, muscle gain, general wellness or some combination?
-Training Experience: Are you a newbie in exercise, a veteran exerciser or a high level athlete?
-Training Stage (phase): Are you an athlete in season, post season, pre season or off season? Are you just getting back into training or have you been at it for a long while (years, decades even)?
-Dozens of other variables and factors including, but not limited to, health history, current conditions, hormonal balance, sleep patterns and overall lifestyle...

Determining the proper combination of nutrition & exercise for your goal, your experience and your current stage in training is not a simple or easy thing to do.

So what does this all mean for you?  How does this actually help you in your journey and fitness goals?

Well, it means a few things:

1. There is no single magic bullet.  You cannot solve all your exercise and fitness problems in a simple, quick fix solution.  It takes time, planning and hard work to achieve anything significant in fitness (life period).

2. Principles guide results in fitness, and putting the right systems (methods) in place will help you organize your program so you can achieve success.  You don't have to worry about one, catch-all solution that works for everyone across the board...just learn the principles and pick up a few effective strategies to ensure you will get the results you are after.  If your approach doesn't work, reevaluate and try again, or better yet...get the proper help from trusted professionals.

3. You need to find what works for YOU.  It may not be perfect or optimal, but if it's a solid program that you are willing and able to follow through on, then it should create quality results for you.

There are thousands of weight loss, sports performance and health/wellness programs out there.  Some of the are great, others are junk and many are somewhere in the middle.  You just need to find one that will work well for you, and then be prepared to adjust it down the road as your body, your needs and your goals adapt and change over time.

How many of you are happy with the program you are currently on?  Getting the results you want?  Adhering to the parameters in the first place?  Drop a quick comment below and let us know what you're struggling or getting great results with.

There's an intense program coming out in a few days where people are building up to burn 1,000 calories in a single workout and though it's not for everyone, the information shared in the free report is worth the review.

I do believe that metabolic workouts (high intensity circuits with very short rest periods) are some of the most effective ways to reduce body fat (my book that's coming out is based on them, too), but they can be pretty intense so they must be properly progressed for you. (Remember the point of the article above!)

You may want to check out the free report at this link: 1000 Calorie Workouts and tell me what you think.

Until then, take care...and always remember:

Train the mind, challenge the body and unleash the spirit.

Yours in Fitness,

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Martial Arts Instructor (Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

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