Monday, October 18, 2010

The Essence of the "True Way"

So another weekend draws to an end and I have put up my (attempted) "handy-man" hat to return, like you, to another work week.

After two days of pulling up carpet and prepping to lay beautiful bamboo flooring in three bedrooms and the hallway in my home, I'm certainly ready to get back to my and martial arts!

In today's crazy-busy lifestyle, we all seem to wear dozens of "hats," and it can get to be a bit overwhelming and confusing.  As soon as one "project" ends, another one comes up and fills its place in a never-ending pattern.

Though it's good to be active and productive, we certainly have a tendency to bite off more than we can chew so-to-speak. We likely take on more "hats" than we really should...but we keep barreling forward from one to the next.

Despite the way it sounds, this post isn't so much about telling you to eliminate some of your projects and responsibilities as it is about follow through...or as I refer to it in the second step of my mental training manual: EXECUTION.

Whether you are talking about physical training (your workouts and exercise program), your nutrition or just plain everyday life, planning and prioritizing is fundamental to your success.

However, nothing will matter without execution.  If you don't follow through on those plans and stick to your priorities, it will all be for naught in the first place.

A follower of the True Way recognizes the value and necessity of execution for achieving his or her fitness goal.  Above all else, he or she is devoted to staying the course and seeing the necessary activities through to completion.

So as we each go into this new work week, let's put our best foot forward.  Let's plan things out according to our personal, work and fitness goals (these are our priorities), and then proceed to follow through on them diligently and with great, positive energy.

Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way.  If they do or try to, simply adjust and overcome.  You have greatness within you and you deserve to have (and achieve) your best results in fitness and all of life.

Execution and following through on the plan is the essence of the True Way,  

No matter how complicated and busy everything seems to be, if you remember the line above then you are two-steps ahead of the average person. More importantly yet, you are two-steps closer to achieving your personal greatness through the body, mind and spirit you have hidden deep within you.

Go have at it this week...and Whatever you do, follow through!

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Martial Arts Instructor (Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

PS-- If you have a particularly difficult challenge to follow through on this week, or if you have success executing on something, please feel free to drop it in the comments below.  We'd all love to hear how everyone is doing on their personal journeys through fitness and life!  Thanks!

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