Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Apologies...and Resolution

This last week I had a wake up call.

Someone I am very close to...a good friend and fellow fitness leader...called me out on something this week, and I have to admit that at the core of what he was saying, he was right.

In an effort to get the True Way to Fitness book ready and available by my self-imposed deadline, I started to lose focus of what the "True Way" is all about.

It is supposed to be something different and unique, more focused on the long term picture of fitness...not quick and gimmicky like so many fitness programs out there.  Also, it was very dogmatic and started to not sound like me at all.

I was trying to cater to our human tendency towards instant gratification and quick results rather than developing an overall lifestyle of fitness focused on longevity.

I was really conflicted, because on the one hand I want to represent this concept of the True Way properly, and on the other hand I have this extremely effective fat loss program ("effective" because I really have gotten terrific short-term results with it myself and with my clients) almost completely finished and ready to go for you.

So I took a few days to reassess the situation and determine how to move forward.

And then it dawned on me.  I am going to turn what might be "lemons" into lemonade.

The True Way to Fitness is going to be reanalyzed to ensure it's based on creating an ongoing lifestyle of fitness and proper periodization (program design over time).  It is still the essence and heart of the True Way movement I am trying to inspire across the globe for complete fitness (mind-body-spirit)...it's just going to take more time to research, develop and test out.

In the meantime, a separate program has essentially evolved as a short-term jump start to the True Way.

The 28 Day Deadline Program will be launching in just a few short weeks to replace the True Way's release.

Essentially, it is the program I was developing under the True Way to Fitness name, but that didn't fit with the original vision.

It's a great program if you are in a time-crunch, have no equipment available and want to shed off some quick body fat within a short deadline...like by next month!

I am really excited about this because this is a great example of perhaps the most important principle of being a martial artist:  ADAPTABILITY.  My original plan wasn't going to happen the way I envisioned it, but we readjusted and are moving forward to overcome this obstacle.  ("Man, I love being a turtle!"...lame reference to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I know...can't help it!)

We are going to have some fun with this 28 Day Deadline Program.  I basically give in to what everyone keeps asking me for: a short-term, quick-fix program to either jump start your LIFELONG fitness pursuits, reignite your "going-through-the-motions-and-getting-no-results" program or to save your backside in a last minute pinch to get some results quick. (Of course, I EXPECT that you will continue your fitness pursuits after the deadline is reached!).

I am definitely taking into account the advice of my trusted friend and making it as scientifically-supported and honest as possible to prevent the perpetuation of some of the misguiding information that seems to permeate the fitness community (aka "carbs are 'bad'" or "supplements solve everything").  This is going to be as simple as possible so you can put it into ACTION and get results, while still giving you the WHY behind everything.

And as my inner circle of True Way followers and enthusiasts you guys are going to get hooked up with some cool bonus features (more on that later).

 Okay, my rant is over for today, but I appreciate you all and wish you the best in your ongoing fitness training pursuits.

Watch over the next couple of days for:
1. Tons of exercise demonstration videos (my You Tube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/truewayfitness)
2. An article about selecting a quality supplement product/company in this crazy, scheming fitness world that's all about selling to you and not necessarily taking care of you (Yes, "Crusty," I will tell you my 2 favorite brands:)
4. And the release of my free report on vital nutrition strategies that you can easily apply right away.

Keep training...and stay on the True Way path!

Yours in Fitness,

Chad R. Johnson

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