Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Proof is in the Picture: Shocking Results!

On last Friday I sent out the results of my 25 Day lean-up challenge (if you missed it, see the article Results Day).  Considering I was already pretty lean, the fact that I lost over 5 pounds and 2.3% body fat in less than four weeks was quite surprising.  I certainly had to work hard and feel that I earned it, but I am still surprised when I see the before and after snapshots.

In anticipation of the program's completion, I scheduled a photo shoot to capture the results on camera (I've always been terrible about recording events through pictures).  The professional photographer that did the shoot (Thanks again Damian, you're the man!) has sent me one shot from it because I had promised I would get it out to you all as soon as I got it.

I assure you it's really me (no touch-ups or anything...just the help of some well placed lightingJ), and I did it all completely naturally. (You can always expect that from me...I'm natural all the way).  I use essential supplements only: multivitamins, joint support, protein and meal replacement shakes, and on the fasting day and protein-only days I used an appropriate amount of BCAAs (branch chain amino acids, the building blocks of protein), so I would avoid losing much muscle along the way.  The program had called for a fat burner and a few other products, but I chose to stick to the basics and see what I could do without it.  I was happy with the results either way.

Now as I complete The True Way to Fitness book and program, I am laying out all the effective and necessary strategies for you to do the very same thing: reach your fitness-related goal in record time and even more importantly, enabling you to foster a lifelong approach to optimal fitness that is sustainable and realistic.

My goal is to create a culture of optimal fitness through exercise, nutrition and martial arts, accessible to EVERYONE regardless of age, gender, fitness experience or unique goal...and regardless of location (this program can be done almost ANYWHERE and with little or no equipment!).  Please continue to join me in this path and I hope you are anxiously awaiting the release of my book as much as I am!

Feel free to leave me your comments and opinions on what you'd like to see in coming articles and posts here on the TrueWayFitness blog.  I encourage you to join our group and follow along as well: http://groups.google.com/group/truewayfitness

Decide to commit, get educated, train hard and be diligent! That's the beginning of the True Way…


Yours in Fitness,

Chad R. Johnson

Certified Personal Trainer (ACE)

Strength Coach (CSCS)

Martial Arts Instructor (WTF Taekwondo 3rd Degree)


Kristin Lynn said...

WOW CJ! All that hard work definitely paid off! You look great and I admire your dedication very much. Cant wait to read your book!! See you at the gym soon....you know, the home away from home. :)


True Way Fitness said...

Thanks...hard work and dedication help me overcome many of my shortcomings and many self-defeating mechanisms. And yes, I guess the gym has become my home away from home!