Friday, June 18, 2010

More is Less...Less is More

I know I have seemed to be M.I.A. this past week or so...I have been crazy busy (yes, more than usual:)!  Of course I am rocking out content on the book, but I also had a deadline of Monday to get another certification completed.

This certification was the Youth Fitness Specialist-Level One, through the IYCA (International Youth Conditioning Assn.).  I had started the cert back in February and delayed it as much as possible:), but finally I had to get it done.

I love working with young ones, and though I don't get too many kid clients currently, I really wanted to ensure that I properly understand how to work with them.  Kids aren't just "little adults" them requires a whole different mindset and approach, and it has absolutely got to center around FUN.  Adults need to make it fun too, but adults are also psychologically a lot more duty/necessity-driven, so we can push through it whether we enjoy it or not.  Kids simply won't do it, or they we learn to resent it more and more.  Which is not conducive to creating a passion for fitness for life.

Luckily, I got that done and I'm plugging along on the book project.  Still projecting the 1st of August for my deadline, and can't wait to get it out to all of you and the rest of the world. Getting pumped!

The headline of today's entry is "More is less...less is more."  I am the KING of overdoing...constantly trying to do MORE.  I have been learning the hard way that more isn't always better, it's sometimes counterproductive.  That's why I'm dedicated to giving you more through less in the True Way to Fitness book.

I am committed to making the book as SIMPLIFIED as possible, while still bringing you great VALUE and USABLE INFORMATION.  The more I give you to do, the less likely that you are going to be successful and follow through.

A good example of "more is less" is in your workouts.  You may think that doing 1,000 pushups and 1,000 situps in a day will get you more fit than a lower volume program that takes half as long.  Granted, 1,000 pushups is better than not doing anything, but it is not always necessary or appropriate for OPTIMAL FITNESS.

If you don't have access to a gym or you want to do it at home, try the workout below instead.  You can complete it in less than fifteen minutes (including a brief warm up and light cool down activities), and it will get you MORE results in LESS time commitment.  Enjoy...and this is just the tip of the iceberg for what's to come in the True Way to Fitness!

Warm Up:  2-3 minutes of light cardiovascular activity that gets the blood pumping throughout the body and the joints lubricated for smooth movement.  My suggestion is 30 second intervals alternating between jumping jacks and basic burpees (down to all fours, then feet extend out, followed by feet drawn back in and then stand back need for the jumps yet, but if you want a little more add a push up in the down phase).

The Main Workout:  Do 2 sets (back-to-back, with no rest or up to 30 sec. between sets) of each of the following exercise combos.  Do each exercise for 30 sec continuously, then proceed immediately to the next exercise.  In the first set do your best and count how many reps you completed each exercise.  In the second set, do your best to complete MORE reps in the same allotted amount of time.  THIS is where more can be better...push yourself within each specific exercise.  When you complete both circuits (exercise combos), move on to the Cool Down.

Combo #1:
a) Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive (step leg back to lunge position, then bring the same knee forward towards the chest, driving it upward; repeat 30 sec. on the same leg, then do 30 sec. on the opposite side)
b) Alternating Staggered Push Ups (one hand is slightly higher than the other so there is a staggered space between them; do one push up then switch hand positions and do another push up...repeat continuously until 30 sec. have been completed)
c) Push Up Position Alternating Opposite Knee Draw In (maintaining the push up position, draw your knee toward the opposite shoulder keeping it close to the body along the should feel it in your obliques; switch sides each rep and continue the pattern for 30 sec.).

Combo #2:
a) Prisoner Squats (with hands behind ears and elbows kicking back to look like a perp getting placed under arrest;  for added intensity drop down into the squat quickly and take 4-6 seconds to come up...takes longer though)
b) Double Crunches (lay on your back and extend your arms overhead and legs are outstretched, then using your abs draw your elbows in to meet your knees in the middle and return to the outstretched position)
c) Side Planks (30 sec. for both sides; only the lower arm from elbow to fist and the side of the down leg touch as you draw in your side/obliques to suspend your body sideways over the floor).  Progress by raising the opposite arm and/or leg into the air while you hold it, or regress by having your knee touch instead of the side of your foot.

Cool Down: 1 minute of light jogging in place followed by Active Stretching through yoga postures like child's pose (kneeling with arms outstretched past your ears on the ground), cobra (hips and legs press into the floor and upper body curved up with chest out and arms straight along the body, hands flat on the ground) and downward dog (looks like the "booty up"; butt is the highest thing in the air and hands & feet are on the ground with your body looking like the shape of an "A" or an upside down "V").

This workout may not be a "killer" if you are already in shape, but it's better than no workout at all and it is quick and to the point.  You will get a combination effect of strength training and cardio, so the calorie burn will boost up and you don't have to worry about making it to the gym that day.

Try the workout and leave me a comment about how it felt below.  Let's get 25 responses by the end of the weekend and I'll post up another, even BETTER one, next week.

Enjoy...and I gotta go rock out more on this book!  Train hard!

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