Friday, June 18, 2010

More is Less...Less is More

I know I have seemed to be M.I.A. this past week or so...I have been crazy busy (yes, more than usual:)!  Of course I am rocking out content on the book, but I also had a deadline of Monday to get another certification completed.

This certification was the Youth Fitness Specialist-Level One, through the IYCA (International Youth Conditioning Assn.).  I had started the cert back in February and delayed it as much as possible:), but finally I had to get it done.

I love working with young ones, and though I don't get too many kid clients currently, I really wanted to ensure that I properly understand how to work with them.  Kids aren't just "little adults" them requires a whole different mindset and approach, and it has absolutely got to center around FUN.  Adults need to make it fun too, but adults are also psychologically a lot more duty/necessity-driven, so we can push through it whether we enjoy it or not.  Kids simply won't do it, or they we learn to resent it more and more.  Which is not conducive to creating a passion for fitness for life.

Luckily, I got that done and I'm plugging along on the book project.  Still projecting the 1st of August for my deadline, and can't wait to get it out to all of you and the rest of the world. Getting pumped!

The headline of today's entry is "More is less...less is more."  I am the KING of overdoing...constantly trying to do MORE.  I have been learning the hard way that more isn't always better, it's sometimes counterproductive.  That's why I'm dedicated to giving you more through less in the True Way to Fitness book.

I am committed to making the book as SIMPLIFIED as possible, while still bringing you great VALUE and USABLE INFORMATION.  The more I give you to do, the less likely that you are going to be successful and follow through.

A good example of "more is less" is in your workouts.  You may think that doing 1,000 pushups and 1,000 situps in a day will get you more fit than a lower volume program that takes half as long.  Granted, 1,000 pushups is better than not doing anything, but it is not always necessary or appropriate for OPTIMAL FITNESS.

If you don't have access to a gym or you want to do it at home, try the workout below instead.  You can complete it in less than fifteen minutes (including a brief warm up and light cool down activities), and it will get you MORE results in LESS time commitment.  Enjoy...and this is just the tip of the iceberg for what's to come in the True Way to Fitness!

Warm Up:  2-3 minutes of light cardiovascular activity that gets the blood pumping throughout the body and the joints lubricated for smooth movement.  My suggestion is 30 second intervals alternating between jumping jacks and basic burpees (down to all fours, then feet extend out, followed by feet drawn back in and then stand back need for the jumps yet, but if you want a little more add a push up in the down phase).

The Main Workout:  Do 2 sets (back-to-back, with no rest or up to 30 sec. between sets) of each of the following exercise combos.  Do each exercise for 30 sec continuously, then proceed immediately to the next exercise.  In the first set do your best and count how many reps you completed each exercise.  In the second set, do your best to complete MORE reps in the same allotted amount of time.  THIS is where more can be better...push yourself within each specific exercise.  When you complete both circuits (exercise combos), move on to the Cool Down.

Combo #1:
a) Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive (step leg back to lunge position, then bring the same knee forward towards the chest, driving it upward; repeat 30 sec. on the same leg, then do 30 sec. on the opposite side)
b) Alternating Staggered Push Ups (one hand is slightly higher than the other so there is a staggered space between them; do one push up then switch hand positions and do another push up...repeat continuously until 30 sec. have been completed)
c) Push Up Position Alternating Opposite Knee Draw In (maintaining the push up position, draw your knee toward the opposite shoulder keeping it close to the body along the should feel it in your obliques; switch sides each rep and continue the pattern for 30 sec.).

Combo #2:
a) Prisoner Squats (with hands behind ears and elbows kicking back to look like a perp getting placed under arrest;  for added intensity drop down into the squat quickly and take 4-6 seconds to come up...takes longer though)
b) Double Crunches (lay on your back and extend your arms overhead and legs are outstretched, then using your abs draw your elbows in to meet your knees in the middle and return to the outstretched position)
c) Side Planks (30 sec. for both sides; only the lower arm from elbow to fist and the side of the down leg touch as you draw in your side/obliques to suspend your body sideways over the floor).  Progress by raising the opposite arm and/or leg into the air while you hold it, or regress by having your knee touch instead of the side of your foot.

Cool Down: 1 minute of light jogging in place followed by Active Stretching through yoga postures like child's pose (kneeling with arms outstretched past your ears on the ground), cobra (hips and legs press into the floor and upper body curved up with chest out and arms straight along the body, hands flat on the ground) and downward dog (looks like the "booty up"; butt is the highest thing in the air and hands & feet are on the ground with your body looking like the shape of an "A" or an upside down "V").

This workout may not be a "killer" if you are already in shape, but it's better than no workout at all and it is quick and to the point.  You will get a combination effect of strength training and cardio, so the calorie burn will boost up and you don't have to worry about making it to the gym that day.

Try the workout and leave me a comment about how it felt below.  Let's get 25 responses by the end of the weekend and I'll post up another, even BETTER one, next week.

Enjoy...and I gotta go rock out more on this book!  Train hard!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Proof is in the Picture: Shocking Results!

On last Friday I sent out the results of my 25 Day lean-up challenge (if you missed it, see the article Results Day).  Considering I was already pretty lean, the fact that I lost over 5 pounds and 2.3% body fat in less than four weeks was quite surprising.  I certainly had to work hard and feel that I earned it, but I am still surprised when I see the before and after snapshots.

In anticipation of the program's completion, I scheduled a photo shoot to capture the results on camera (I've always been terrible about recording events through pictures).  The professional photographer that did the shoot (Thanks again Damian, you're the man!) has sent me one shot from it because I had promised I would get it out to you all as soon as I got it.

I assure you it's really me (no touch-ups or anything...just the help of some well placed lightingJ), and I did it all completely naturally. (You can always expect that from me...I'm natural all the way).  I use essential supplements only: multivitamins, joint support, protein and meal replacement shakes, and on the fasting day and protein-only days I used an appropriate amount of BCAAs (branch chain amino acids, the building blocks of protein), so I would avoid losing much muscle along the way.  The program had called for a fat burner and a few other products, but I chose to stick to the basics and see what I could do without it.  I was happy with the results either way.

Now as I complete The True Way to Fitness book and program, I am laying out all the effective and necessary strategies for you to do the very same thing: reach your fitness-related goal in record time and even more importantly, enabling you to foster a lifelong approach to optimal fitness that is sustainable and realistic.

My goal is to create a culture of optimal fitness through exercise, nutrition and martial arts, accessible to EVERYONE regardless of age, gender, fitness experience or unique goal...and regardless of location (this program can be done almost ANYWHERE and with little or no equipment!).  Please continue to join me in this path and I hope you are anxiously awaiting the release of my book as much as I am!

Feel free to leave me your comments and opinions on what you'd like to see in coming articles and posts here on the TrueWayFitness blog.  I encourage you to join our group and follow along as well:

Decide to commit, get educated, train hard and be diligent! That's the beginning of the True Way…


Yours in Fitness,

Chad R. Johnson

Certified Personal Trainer (ACE)

Strength Coach (CSCS)

Martial Arts Instructor (WTF Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

Friday, June 4, 2010


Many of you are already aware, but I have been doing a specific 25 day weight loss program designed by a fellow colleague in fitness over the past few weeks.  It is an EXTREMELY intensive program, that includes a regimented diet and an average of two workouts a day for the duration of the 25 day program.  It is called the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet, by Joel Marion, a sports nutritionist and personal trainer that has put tons of research and client experience into the development of the program.  It is NOT for the timid and would likely be too much for a completely deconditioned (out of shape) individual, but I would say that it is definitely effective.

My goal was to basically see how lean I could get in less than a month.  It's true that I was already quite lean, somewhere just under 10% body fat, but I had never attempted to get as shredded as possible with a coordinated exercise AND nutrition program prior.  I was always able to "get away with" eating pretty much anything I wanted while staying trim.  Partly due, in blessing, to being gifted it genetically (thanks mom and dad:), and mostly due to the high activity level and generally healthy lifestyle I lead.  Either way, I wanted to see how well I could adhere to such a program and what kind of results I would get.

Yesterday evening I actually completed the 25th day of the program, and I am certainly grateful it's done.  Not just because it was challenging physically and mentally, but because I had made a decision to lay off of my martial arts training during that time.  It simply would have been too much...too time consuming and it would have led to over-training.  Since the martial arts are my deepest passion, it was especially difficult to put that part aside.

I had been diligent every step of the way, from taking appropriate baseline measurements on Day 1 to completing each and EVERY workout scheduled each day, while relentlessly following the rigorous 5 day nutrition cycles that involved everything from a heaven-sent cheat day to a spiritually challenging fasting day, a shake-only day, a moderate carb-boost day and finally a protein-only (depletion) day.  It was perhaps one of the most difficult fitness programs I've ever had to do...but I am proud (and grateful) that I took it through to completion!

Since last night ended the program, I had my ending measurements taken this morning to assess the final verdict and I am getting after photos taken tonight at 6pm (watch over the next couple days for snapshots from that to come out in contrast to the before pics taken!).  I was impressed with the final results:

Beginning weight on May 11th:   155.2 lbs.
Ending weight on June 4th:         150 lbs.

Beginning body fat:       9.8 % (Skyndex calipers)
Ending body fat:           7.5 % (Skyndex calipers)

In addition, my blood pressure, resting heart rate and BMI (Body Mass Index) all went down significantly as well (for example: resting heart rate went from 62 bpm to 45 bpm over this period).  That's very important for the lifelong health components as many of these measurements impact one's likelihood of certain diseases like cancer, heart conditions, stroke and diabetes.

These results can be considered DRAMATIC, given that this was a 3.5 week period that I lost 5.2 lbs and 2.3% body fat.  That means I lost just shy of 4 lbs. of pure body fat, and the other 1.2 lbs. was likely from corresponding water loss because I can tell you for certain that I did NOT lose any lean tissue (muscle) during that time...and I am DEFINITELY stronger!  Nothing shy of amazing, and I am certainly impressed.

What does this all mean for you?

Certainly, my point is not to boast on what I have done or how good I look now.  Many of you know me well enough to understand that is not how I am.  However, it illustrates how significant it is to follow the principles of fitness and to stay committed no matter how challenging and unrealistic it might seem.

In my impending book, The True Way to Fitness, I identify the key principles and most effective strategies to achieve any and every fitness goal, and I make it as practical and as simple as possible so you can put it to use.  I know that getting the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of our lives in unison is fundamental to ensuring success in any venture, and fitness is no different.  My goal is to put everything together to empower you to achieve whatever it is you want (and need) from fitness, and ultimately life.  It's your turn to get the body of your dreams and to create a lifestyle of fitness and health that you can sustain for life.

Continue to follow my articles, blog postings and nutritious recipes and together we will create a culture of fitness where the True Way is our way of living!

Please feel free to check out Joel Marion's Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Program for yourself.  I think that my program (when I finally finish it here...current deadline is July 31st!) will be more realistic and sustainable for creating a fitness lifestyle (while certainly still getting you real results), but in the meantime I know Joel's program works and it may just be worth a shot for you!

Again the link to Joel's program is: Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Program.  Feel free to check it out.

Yours in Fitness,

Chad R. Johnson
Certified Personal Trainer (ACE)
Strength Coach (CSCS)
Martial Arts Instructor (WTF Taekwondo, 3rd degree)

Please join my blog to become an official follower, and look for my link in Facebook coming soon!