Saturday, February 5, 2011

Are You a "True Warrior"?

It has been almost a month since my martial arts school, True Way Martial Arts, opened.

I have hardly had a chance to catch my breath in the whirlwind of activities coinciding with it.

Believe me, I am truly grateful for it.

The school is growing beautifully, and I am extremely excited about the students that are involved so far, and look forward to the many more to come.

We already have a major event, the Palm Harbor Citrus Festival on Saturday, March 12th, where we'll be featured on stage for a demonstration.  We are excited at the opportunity to show our stuff and get people in our community aware of the benefits of martial arts training and a lifestyle of fitness!

As everything is finally settling in, I have begun to finally establish a rhythm in my own training.  Whether it's martial arts skill training, physical conditioning, strength training or stretching, I am back into my preferred routine of daily activity.

As such, the time has come for the release of my own personal fitness training program with a martial arts twist. 

My martial arts boot camp is designed to improve the fitness and capabilities of everyone from completely untrained to high level athlete.  It includes strength training, cardio conditioning, mobility and flexibility training and even martial arts techniques to give you a total body workout that challenges the body to constant adapt and get better (fitter, stronger, leaner, etc.).

I call it TRUE WARRIOR FIT CAMP, and it's offered three days a week (Tue/Thu/Sat) in the mornings (9:30-10:30am).  I believe it brings out the "true warrior" in each of us and I am pumped about what it's going to do for all the participants along the way!

So my question to you today is:

Have you been training so far in 2011?
Have you been honing your inner warrior day-in and day-out to become your personal best?
Do you stick to your fitness routine and always try to get something significant out of it?

I could give you a lot of fitness "facts" and statistics to try to appeal to your logic and get you to begin your fitness path today, but very few people really respond to logical reasoning anyway.  We humans are emotional creatures, so I believe we have a far greater chance of influencing you to a lifestyle of fitness if we motivate you and challenge you.  Now it's time for you to step up to the plate and knock one out of the park.

So let out that inner warrior today and finally get started on your training path!  You deserve it and every one of us ultimately needs it.

You should hear a little more from me in the coming weeks now that I have an actual system and everything is falling into place.

Take care and always remember:

Train your mind, challenge your body, unleash your spirit!

Sincerely in Fitneess,

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Owner & Head Instructor of TRUE WAY MARTIAL ARTS

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