Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January Has Been a Blur

I am a firm believer that ACTION creates far more results than analysis.

Sure you need to take the time to assess the situation and review your data, but many people get wrapped up in the planning and "preparing" or thinking process than actually taking steps to move forward in the process.

Your fitness training goal is no different than any other aspect of your life.  You must incorporate daily activities to move forward and continue achieving your personal goals.

That's why I've been pretty "quiet" the last few weeks here on the blog (and even through the email newsletters)...I've been busy trying to take action and make things happen along the way. 

My question to you is:  How have you been doing so far in 2011 with TAKING ACTION?

Have you made the steps necessary to move forward in your personal fitness and life goals, or have you just been busy being busy and spent all your time thinking about what you're going to and analyzing everything?

There's only a few days left in January, which means one whole month of this "new" year is already drawing to a close.  Don't waste any longer to start achieving your personal best...take an hour OR LESS (not too much analysis) and plan out exactly what you're going to do to make your fitness goals happen this year (heck, this next month even!)...and then: TAKE ACTION!  You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you set yourself in the right direction and then follow through daily.

If you need some help with that process and want an effective, thorough and realistic fitness training program, I invite you to try my new ebook: The 28 Day Deadline Workout Program.  It's risk free as I offer my bonafide 60 day money-back guarantee with no questions asked.  If you are unsatisfied with it for any reason, simply send a request to be refunded and we'll do it for you.

It's that go check out the info page today and make a decision to move forward in your 2011 fitness program!

See here for more details:  28 Day Deadline Workout Program

Until next time, remember: Train the mind, challenge the body, and unleash the spirit!!!

Sincerely in Fitness,
Chad R. Johnson
Martial Arts Instructor (WTF 3rd Degree)Personal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Owner & Head Instructor of TRUE WAY MARTIAL ARTS 

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