Sunday, September 26, 2010

Did You Take the Survey?

Hey all,

It's another beautiful, sunny day here in southern Florida and I hope that you are all enjoying your Sunday wherever you currently are.

I have been reviewing the results of my survey about fitness and what people want, and it's been pretty informative.

Thank you to those of you that have already filled it out...your feedback has been invaluable and will lead me on how to better serve you in the weeks and months to come.

If you have not taken the opportunity to do the survey, I ask that you take a moment to quickly do so at the following link:

It will take you no longer than 2 minutes, I swear.

I really appreciate the feedback, and hope the content I deliver through these posts help you in at least some small way.

If you have any further comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at or leave an open comment below.

Thanks, take care and be sure to get at least 30-60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity in today!

In fact, try the Spiderman Push Ups in the video to the right, and any of the other videos posted on my You Tube page,  Take a second to subscribe to the page while you're at it, and you will get updated whenever I post new videos!


Sincerely in Fitness,

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Martial Arts Instructor (Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Truth about Supplementation Part II

Alright "Crusty"...I didn't forget you go finally!

About a month ago, back on August 24th, I posted an article to which one of the True Way followers, "Crusty," told me to stop teasing everyone and just say which two supplement companies I use.

I got a chuckle out of that one and still do every time I remember his comment, but in all honesty I wasn't trying to "tease" anyone or keep you in suspense.

Besides trying to spread out my posts over the past several weeks so I can finally polish off my first real "book" (more aptly described as a training program, in e-format so you can instantly download it and use it online), I was actually deep in research during all that time.

Believe it or not, I DON'T have it all figured out and I am constantly growing and learning about everything fitness and martial arts related.

I have been intensely researching and comparing information for this book and program design because so much information is out there and much of it's conflicting.

I even found myself reevaluating several of the basic principles I build my nutrition, exercise and supplementation on as I searched for scientific validation and appropriateness of them in a program.

So to make a long story short(er), my research process has taught me a couple main things:

1. The scientific evidence (I'm talking academic, high-level research that isn't tied to some specific company or product where someone stands to profit from the results) has still not proven much of the information we (fitness professionals and the fitness community) shell out as "gospel truth".

2. The best "evidence" we can have right now is through the results we are able to obtain and sustain through individual experience.

In the case of supplementation, scientifically speaking, there have been no significant differences in effectiveness recorded between most multivitamin supplement products.

Classically stated, "a chemical is a chemical."

If one product has vitamins from a "natural" source and is more expensive than the store-brand that just puts in lab-created forms of the vitamins, there hasn't been enough proof that the natural product is any better than the generic store-brand one.

It might be just as effective to buy the cheap generic stuff as it is to get the high-end expensive product promoted as being "all natural" and better than the rest.

Now, there are differences, however, between companies in their level of ethics and delivering on what they say they actually have in the product.

Since the supplement industry is unregulated, there's no governing body that oversees it. In fact, you or I could easily set up our own supplement company and run it from our garage with a few simple household products.  Not too reassuring when we (the consumers) are paying our hard-earned money and putting chemicals into our bodies with faith that what the product label says is really what's inside it.

That's why there can be concerns of product purity (does it have what it says it has in it), potency (does it have the amount necessary to have an effect), toxicity (does it have too large of quantities of the substance to the point that it could be harmful to you) and effectiveness (does it even work in the first place for what you're taking it for).

This is really why you want to find a quality supplement company that considers all those factors.

With all that being said, there are certainly other brands out there that could fit into this category.  I just have two specific ones that I trust and purchase my supplements from, due to the RESULTS I get (myself and my clients), the companies' adherence to GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices), their reputation, their regard for each customer's health and their decision to follow science-based, ethical nutrition rather than just jumping onboard with the latest and hottest supplement trends that have no research behind them.

It would be in your best interest to research it all yourself before you make a decision so that you are well informed and confident in your choices, but below are my two favorites (so far):

  • Apex Fitness

This is a big, national-level supplement manufacturer that strictly adheres to the guidelines of the FDA.

Apex only accepts the highest quality (purity and potency) products from its manufacturers.  They strive to keep up with all the latest research and findings, while sticking to the basic fundamentals of supplementation.

I have had several years experience with Apex, and overall they have served my nutrition needs and the needs of my clients very well.  To check out the website, go to

  • Prograde Nutrition

This is a smaller, yet quickly growing supplement company that also adheres to “good manufacturing practices.”

I like Prograde because it targets fitness professionals and the clients they serve.  Its leaders are very intent on educating the public about proper nutrition and the role of supplements in an overall fitness program.  They have a no-frills, stick-to-what-works mentality, and they will even tell you if you shouldn’t get a specific product.

I have only recently learned of Prograde over the last year, but the more I learn about the company the more I like it.  Go check it out at

I want you to know that yes, I could promote to have you join either one of these companies through me, earning me money with your purchases.

However, I chose not to do that because the point here is to assist you and give you great information, not to be just another person selling you some supplements so I can make a profit off of it.

Fitness is truly a way of life for me, and I want that for you as well.  Learn from my experience in the industry, but don’t think that I just want to line my pocket.

Now, if you decide you still want to get a discount and be associated with me in either one of these companies, simply submit a comment to this article or email me at for more info.  

Ultimately, I think the right supplements from the right company are a great way to assist your training program and to optimize your results

Maybe it's no better chemically than a cheaper generic brand, but if you can be assured that they actually put what they're supposed to in it, it may be worth paying the extra.

However, to keep it real, after all this on choosing a quality supplement product and provider, I think the majority of your results are really going to come from two other components of fitness:  your exercise and your nutrition.

The supplements will help fill the gaps for you and ensure you get enough of the vitamins and minerals needed by your body to function and support your physical activity needs, but they are not magic pills that will solve all your fitness problems.

You need a well-rounded program that addresses everything (mental, physical and spiritual health), and supplements are really only about 10% of the picture.

I don't want you to waste your money or to put substances into your body that might be dangerous for you though, so that's why I went into such depth on this topic.

Overall, you need to decide what works for you with regards to supplementation.

I would be happy to answer more questions about supplements, choosing the right products or brands for your needs and how this all should fit into your fitness program.

Hope this answers your question, Crusty.  Please, continue to prod, challenge and coerce me into more details about everything and anything fitness:)

Anyone can (and should) drop me a question, comment, concern or clarification below and we'll continue to search for the "truth about supplementation" as we each embark on The True Way to Fitness path.

Take care, and remember: 

Train your mind, Challenge your body and Unleash your spirit!


Chad R. Johnson

PS--Don't forget to check out the You Tube videos (links to the right) and go subscribe to my page (truewayfitness) so you can be updated each time I throw up a few more exercises or Q&A videos on the site.  Look forward to sharing more with you in the weeks and months to come!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Exercise Videos are finally up on You Tube!

Hey all,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that I spent the majority of my "Labor Day Weekend" editing and posting the dozens of videos I recently made (67 of them at this point) in preparation for the launch of my book.

Take a few moments to go check them out, and when you do so subscribe to my You Tube channel and you can get updated anytime I post new ones.

Follow this link to check it all out:
(this video is an exercise that's particularly "fun": squat jumps to pull ups...enjoy!)

I am actually going to be doing a series of videos (like a weekly TV show) about major fitness topics that are highly debated like: supplements (like my current article series What about Supplements?!), fat loss, sports training, the mental edge, habit forming and fitness results, and much more.

Be sure to subscribe to the channel and check it out so you can learn in just a few minutes what it took me years to understand researching and experiencing the ins and outs of fitness first hand, and to add a few creative bodyweight exercises to your training arsenal!

Thank you for following my articles and updates.  I'm excited to have you along in the journey towards optimal fitness.  Keep tuning in and we'll keep growing together!

Train on...and remember to Train the mind, Challenge the body and Unleash the spirit!

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Martial Arts Instructor (Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What about Supplements?!

Supplements are a highly debated topic in fitness.

Do they work?  Who should take them? When should someone take them?  Which ones should be used?  Which supplement companies are reliable?  

The questions go on and on.

Over the next couple articles, I am going to answer those questions for you.  It will be up to you to decide where to go from there.

Let me start out by giving you the overall answer before I go into the supportive details.  (I am writing this in reverse to make it easier to understand where I'm going with it, and you will get more out of it this way.)

Supplements only matter if you have the other components of fitness in place.  If your nutrition is appropriate and you are doing your workouts consistently (and they have the right programming), then supplements can be a tremendous help.  If you aren't following through on the nutrition and exercise, then it's not likely that a magic pill (supplement) is going to solve your fitness problem for you.

I usually look at supplements as the 10%.  The vast majority of your results are going to come from your exercise and eating, so focusing on the 10% doesn't make sense when the other 90% is being neglected.

Yes, some supplements do work and they are worth it.  The majority of them though, have not been proven to be very effective in-and-of themselves.  It may be a placebo effect that makes you THINK that they're working...and THAT is what gets you results.  Not that it's a bad thing to get results, but you may not need to be spending that kind of money to get what you're after if it's all in your mind in the first place.

To keep things simple, I tend to categorize supplements into three main groups:  MUST HAVES, NICE TO HAVES, ABSOLUTELY AVOIDS.

The MUST HAVES follow suit with the name and basically they refer to the ones that you absolutely need to take.  I only put two things in this category: multivitamins and doctor-prescribed supplements.

In 2002, JAMA (Journal of American Medical Assn.) reversed its position and determined that the average American needs AT LEAST ONE multivitamin a day, perhaps 2-3 (depending on your activity level and personal with athletes).  They declared that it's so difficult to get all the vitamins and minerals that we need through food alone anymore.

Also, your doctor knows the specifics of what's going on with your body (at least I hope!) and he may recognize that you need some additional like calcium, folic acid or specific antioxidants.  If your doctor recommends it then it can go in this category.

NICE TO HAVES are just that.  They may in fact be very helpful to you, but you could probably get away with not taking them and your results wouldn't be too dramatically hindered without them.

Certain ones I categorize as Nice to Haves are fitness fast foods (protein bars and shakes for example), calcium, antioxidants, fat burners, etc.  I take fitness fast foods because they are well balanced and they make life easier for me, not because they're necessarily any better than real, whole food sources are.

ABSOLUTELY AVOIDS are pretty self explanatory as well.  These are the products that you really want to stay away from whenever possible.  Many will argue about some of these (saying they aren't bad or that they're actually very good/effective), but whether it's from an ethical standpoint or a safety concern, these are products that you really don't need.  Items like anabolic steroids, any other hormone booster or precursors, blood doping agents or off-the-market products like ephedra.  You really will do best to bypass these types of products.

There are products that some people swear by and others say are hogwash (like creatine) because the studies are conflicting or no conclusive scientific evidence has been established about them.  This debate may go on and on for decades or centuries before anything is conclusively determined.

That's why I think that it's most important to focus on the primary activities that will get you results, and that's the food and physical training.  When those two things are in alignment, then whatever supplements you are taking or need will become obvious about how they benefit or don't benefit you, and that is where the real power (effectiveness) is.

Next time I'll be back with the follow up article to answer the last question: What supplement companies are reliable?

There's a lot of crappy product out there, and there are certain things you should look for in a supplement provider...and I am going to help you by sharing what I have found works best for me and my clients.  Stay tuned till then!

Train on,

Chad R. JohnsonPersonal Trainer (ACE-CPT)
Strength Coach (NSCA-CSCS)
Youth Fitness Specialist (IYCA-YFS)
Martial Arts Instructor (Taekwondo 3rd Degree)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Your Thoughts are PHYSICAL"

Greetings fellow fitness enthusiast!

Just wanted to share this brief video clip of Will Smith and the very real power of the mind.  I especially like how he said that "Your thoughts are physical."  They are very alive and real, if you decide they are.

We accept so much mediocrity in our society under the pretense of "reality" (being realistic), and it's time to stop cutting ourselves short and turn on some very REAL unrealistic results through the power of our minds!


Train the Mind, Challenge the Body, Unleash the Spirit!

Sincerely in Fitness,

Chad Johnson