Monday, May 24, 2010

Excellence, Not Perfection

I have been working on my first book for literally years.  It has been my intent to publish a book explaining the "true way" to train for optimal results since I became a trainer over six years ago.  Putting in countless hours of research, study, client trials and personal experimentation, I kept getting closer but never felt 100% confident in the thoroughness of my work.  It seemed that the more I tried to make it "perfect," the further I seemed to be from the goal.

It was extremely frustrating for me not only because I couldn't seem to get it completed, but because I talked about it so much and created so much interest in it while obstacles and excuses kept me from actually getting it done.  It took me until the past few months to see that the pivotal concepts I needed to teach in the book were the very lessons I NEEDED to learn myself.

I was in search of infallible program that would solve all the problems of exercise and fitness for everyone.  I wanted it to be "one size fits all" and to encompass everything fitness from A-Z.  I was searching for the gold standard when most people just need to learn how to properly manage fitness and make it a functional part of their everyday life!

That doesn't mean that average or mediocre will cut it.  On the contrary, effectiveness and efficiency are certainly essential for optimal results, and the True Way is all about getting results.  The difference is that I should have been focusing on EXCELLENCE,  which is far more attainable, and most importantly, much more sustainable.  The goal isn't to get a quick result and then lose it a few months later...I am helping people create a long term fitness lifestyle.  An approach of excellence is really what the True Way to Fitness is all about.

Of course, the other side of why it's taken me so long is that I previously lacked the necessary EXPERIENCE to teach me what really works, the practical side of training.  My clients and martial art students have been fundamental to the development of the True Way to Fitness program, and I wouldn't have a clue without them.  The knowledge and wisdom I've gained while working with them has proven to be the single greatest teacher to me about PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the major fitness principles.  Now it's not just pie-in-the-sky theories and philosophies, I've got real evidence and examples of how the True Way to Fitness really works at getting RESULTS while simultaneously creating a total lifestyle of health and fitness.

Now it is finally time to put the finishing touches on the True Way to Fitness book and program, and to get it out there for the entire world to benefit from.  I am more excited than ever and I can't wait to share it with you and everyone ready to finally take control of their fitness and ultimately their lives.  My goal is to create a culture of fitness in a new way, that takes into account the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of the whole person.  It will be an adventure, and I can't wait to see you join in soon!

So what about you...are you seeing the results you want from your workout program?  Are you fed up with all the confusion and lies promulgated out in the world with this fad diet and that new exercise system?  Add your comments below and tell me where you are on your fitness journey.  Stay tuned as I announce how some lucky followers of the True Way are going to get a free copy of the True Way Fit Program BEFORE IT'S EVEN LAUNCHED TO THE PUBLIC!  Let me know if you want details on how to enter!

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