Thursday, March 10, 2011


So in my martial arts school this week the "Word of the Week" is RISK.

There's a good quote by Robert F. Kennedy about risk: "Only those that dare to fail greatly will ever achieve greatly."

Huh...imagine that.

If we want to have a big "win," we have to take some significant chances sometimes.

Now there are definitely some parameters, like:
-Don't take poor or unnecessary risks...they should be calculated or planned to some degree.
-Consider your main objectives (does the risk align with your major purpose and desires in life) and consider others (does it negatively effect those around you that you care about?).  What's the point in a risk that is going to seem "good" for you but tears others down along the way.  Don't avoid risks to avoid hurting others necessarily, but don't make your choices without contemplating how your choices and actions may affect others.

And just remember:  Any decision or choice you make there's always an Opportunity Cost.

If you choose to do X, then you are automatically eliminating or excluding the ability to do Y or Z.

So of course you must choose wisely.

But don't spend your whole life on the sidelines, watching the game being played while you merely sit by twiddling your thumbs.

Take a chance on yourself...take a positive RISK.

You are well worth it and you will only grow so long as you challenge yourself to do so.

That's my two cents on what are you going to do about it? :)

Sincerely in Fitness,

Chad Johnson

PS--And after some technical problems last week, I'm finally rolling out the slashed price on my book, The 28 Day Deadline Workout.  Instead of the retail price of $47, it will be available at $19.95 (over a 57% savings)!!!  Go check it out now to see what it's all about and pick up your copy: